Monday, April 26, 2010

Best Karaoke Songs for Men

Top Karaoke Songs for Men

Looking for a track to sing at the next karaoke night? Here are some of the great karaoke songs for men. Most of them aren't too hard to sing. And all of them are crowd pleasing karaoke songs.

When you are looking for the right song, remember that you should pick something that naturally fits your voice. Some of these songs are for low bass voices and some are for tenors, so choose your tune according to your own range! Remember, many KJs have the karaoke DJ equipment that will let them cheat a song up or down in key to match your voice. Almost all the VocoPro mixers can do that.

I tried to pick a diverse set - you'll see country, heavy metal, rock, pop, etc. Hopefully you'll find your new signature karaoke song here on my list.

Best Karaoke Songs For Men:

1. "Born in the USA" - Bruce Springsteen
2. "Livin' on a Prayer" - Bon Jovi
3. "Sweet Home Alabama" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
4. "Friends in Low Places" - Garth Brooks
5. "Pretty Woman" - Roy Orbison
6. "Bad to the Bone" - George Thorogood
7. "Jailhouse Rock" - Elvis Presley
8. "More Than Words" - Extreme
9. "All I Need Is A Miracle" - Mike and the Mechanics
10. "Keep On Loving You" - REO Speedwagon
11. "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" - Corey Hart
12. "You Were Always On My Mind" - Willie Nelson
13. "Open Arms" - Journey
14. "Build me up buttercup" - The Foundations
15. "Shook me all Night Long" - AC/DC
16. "I’m Too Sexy" - Right Said Fred
17. "She’s a Lady" - Tom Jones

Now you are wondering...why only seventeen? Why not either 15 or 20? Well, I wanted to make a list of ten. And I started with a list of thirty two. Somehow I ended up with seventeen. Don't ask me why. Blogging isn't an exact science.

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Viva Karaoke!
(A casual curse is hereby leveled on spammers, FYI.)